Toward New Investment Paradigm

Toward New Investment Paradigm

Investment Principle

Creative investment

Investment by designing unique and creative investment structure

Value investment

Investment on companies with high potential value

Risk hedge investment

Investment that can hedge the risk and secure additional earning

Responsible investment

Investment in consideration of ESG (Environment, Social, Governance)

Investment Sector

M&A / Buyout

Secures stability and profitability at the same time by aligning interests between shareholders through structuring
  • Investment on M&A opportunity for blue chip companies which are available in the process of conglomerate restructuring
  • Investment on special circumstance M&A opportunity that is at the bottom of market cycle for turnaround
  • Investment on M&A opportunity for companies with high growth potential and expansion


Discovers future growth engine, and invests in assets that can secure upside through IPO
  • Mezzanine investment in the business areas of blue chip company, conglomerates and futuristic new businesses
  • Mezzanine investment on companies that are underrated due to risk in liquidity


Discovers the undervalued companies at the right time, and restructures their financial structure after the investment
  • Acquisition of for-sale assets of companies that are subject to workout or financial restructuring
  • Regular and Special NPL
    (Non Performing Loan) investment