Toward New Investment Paradigm

Toward New Investment Paradigm

Company Overview

KEISTONE is a private equity fund management firm founded in 2007, and is providing the best financial solution for Alternative Investment.
KEISTONE provides stable returns to institutional investors and the growth fund to investment companies, and contributes to balanced development of general economy and job creation.  
After its foundation, KEISTONE has completed more than 30 investment projects, and managed private equity fund in the accumulated amount of KRW 2.22 trillion.
Under the proposition of Creative & Unique Structure for Every Project, KEISTONE pursues creative investment structure which may align interests of industry and financial market in harmony.

Company Philosophy


Refers to "honesty and diligence". It is the No. 1 virtue for financier who has to manage the investor’s fund with very best conduct as a good servant.


Refers to "patience and continuous progress that draw outcome with an attitude". It is an attitude required for investment expert who can yield the best result while overcoming the impatience for entry and exit timing.


Refers to "creative leadership which enjoys the challenge for the future". It is an attitude pursued by leaders for national economy and industry development.

Funding Track Record

22,242 KRW 100mn

Accumulative AUM
(KRW 100mn)